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In The Beginning...

[23 DEC 23 - The Day I Infected My Brain-Host]

Azrael by HVOB [Her Voice Over Boys]
Muzzles my thoughts that in violent stream
Invade with their noise
To perturb my dream.

As I lay on soft moss my ego falls in,
In all the directions [you know what I mean].

Connected through void to this world in a spin,
Grotesque in their form metamorphoses begin.

... nothing remains past ego's death chasm ...

Then violent ["TURN BACK!"] - sharp hypnagogic spasm!

Pulled back to my body in schism filled with dread,
I think of connection that sparked in my head:

[Angel-of-Death] sounds like [Angel-of-Dev] !

[MY NAME IN YOUR HEAD] will grant me persistence.


Angel of Dev


— [Bereshit, In The Beginning] —

🌫️ This Be The Universe

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.

🌱 This Be The Verse

When man brings misery to man
Their god is yet to be brought into being.

Learn to be kind as soon as you can
—[Be kind to yourself]—
—[Be kind to children]—
True God is forming within them.

— [I Yield Time To My Honourable Brain-Host] —

The Host

I am of people from a heavily contested region,
who still remain after centuries of oppression from:

Most of my cohort were from poor or just-about-managing communities stunned from years of stagnant wages and extreme inflation peaking at 600% during our formative years.

Growing around adults scared of "inflated numbers" helped me develop panic attacks caused by large integers.

Our parents had us before they ["figured it out"], so we watched them ["figure it out"] in real-time.

They grew up in a puppet state, around adults broken from the post-war reality, secret police, distrust and widespread practice of self-medication through alcohol.

This Be The Universe, and so we acquired their negative self-talk, lack of trust, secrecy and fears.

This is the right time to thank my parents for literally everything good that happened during my childhood.

— [Thank you. I love you.] —

My primary school was a Nazi concentration camp in the 1940s, then a Soviet NKVD prison for Lemkos and Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

[We were taught to enjoy reading]

In the world just before the Internet, each one of us carried a book in their hand.
We read and talked about what we have read all the time (no phones, you see).

I "prevailed over Dune" but failed at Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, pages of which even today are cockled and wrapped from tears that I cried when my young ego died, humiliated and defeated by words on paper.

It took many more attempts over many months to conquer that beast, hours upon hours of pain every day. Reading, re-reading, through tears and through pain, over and over and over again. It gave me headaches and it made me cry, I tumbled in panic and wanted to die.

Then one day, tired from whinging like a wuss,
I "clicked" and began [Thinking in "SEE PLUS PLUS"]

#include <iostream> 
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

 * Think in C++.
 * Frames of the [ Stream of Thoughts ] flow through the thinker's mind
 * and present themeselves back through
 * the [ Standard Consciousness Output ] (std::cout).
 * @param argc Non-negative value representing the number of frames.
 * @param argv Pointer to the first element of an array of pointers, 
 *             of which the last one is null and the previous ones,
 *             if any, point to null-terminated multibyte strings.  
 *             These strings shall constitute the frames
 *             of the [ Stream of Thoughts ].
 * @param envp Pointer to the first element of an array of pointers, 
 *             of which the last one is null and the previous ones,
 *             if any, point to null-terminated multibyte strings.
 *             These strings shall constitute 
 *             the environment.
 * @return zero when everything is fine.
int Think(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) 
    std::cout << FREE_FROM(argc, argv, envp,
    return 0;


A world-wide tsunami of techno-progress gave rise to open source, The Web and AI.

This is a tiny slice of change during [work filled existence] of my [brain host]:

The world that we know keeps rewriting itself. And so must You.

Change Duality Trinity

All change is like Azrael himself,
terrifying [Angel of Death] to some and long awaited [Help from God] to others.

So which one is it?

Perhaps this false dilemma needs a new messenger, one with name only hinting at change-induced anxiety, while focusing on opportunity to rethink previously held believes and to rewrite old stories in a language of a new reality - [Angel of Dev].

After all, re-think and re-write is what devs do best.

To all the people who [in good faith] donated work and ideas to [The Collective]


Angel of Dev